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Friday, December 14, 2012

A Betsie Sandwich

Today's gift is a Betsie Sandwich.

I was having a great day today up until about 1:00 when my mom called to tell me about the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut.  Ever since the phone call I have felt sick to my stomach.  There simply are no words.

I could not wait to go pick up my girls from school.  I just wanted to have all three of my children at home with me.  Safe.  My heart aches for all the parents who lost their child today.  My heart aches for all the families of the other victims at the school.  My heart aches for all the children who witnessed this tragedy today and are afraid.  My heart aches for the whole town of Newton.  My heart just aches.

My heart aches and my head is full of questions, with the biggest one being, why does things like this have to happen?

Do you ever realize when you are feeling down, there is often someone who notices who will do something, even the smallest thing to try and lift your spirits?

Tonight, my girls ended their bath/shower at the same time and when my oldest daughter and I walked out of her bathroom, my other daughter was walking out of hers and said "great timing."  We met in the hallway and I hugged them both very tightly (again...I think I hugged all my kids 100 times since they were home from school!) and told them how much I loved them.  We were positioned almost like in a triangle, where my middle child was in the middle.  Right when I was reaching down to kiss my middle daughter, my oldest daughter bent down to kiss her too.  Immediately, I said, "it's a Betsie sandwich!" and the girls giggled.  And then my oldest kissed her sister again.

I needed this gift tonight.   I needed to feel the love.  I needed to find the color.

Here is one quote for today....

Don't wait until it's too late to tell someone how much you love, how much you care- Author Unknown

Also for today I am attaching a pray from Nicole Unice, one of the Ministry Associates at our church...

God of all comfort, we come before you with humble, silent, hearts. You gave us tears so that we can mourn and we cry out for you to pour out your loving, warm light on the many so deeply affected today by the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings. For those who lost children today, would you gather them to you, for you promise that “those who mourn will be comforted.” For the children who have been traumatized by these experiences, would your healing light penetrate their souls and speak deeply into them, about the truth of the protection of their spirits and the reality of heaven. For the family of the shooter, we ask you to draw them close to you. And we thank you God that you are a God who remembers, you are a God of justice, and that evil will not have the final word in this earth, and that no matter what happens to us, our souls find rest in you, and they are secure in you. Help us to turn back to you as a nation, to take action to protect those who are suffering in their minds and souls, and that we would not “be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with love.” (Romans 12:21)

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