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Friday, July 19, 2013

Her "Anne Sullivan"

Today's gift is my daughter's "Anne Sullivan".

Our entire family was incredibly blessed when my daughter's one to one...her "Anne Sullivan" walked into our lives. She started as my daughter's teacher...and still very much is....but something more came out of the relationship.

She became a friend to all of us. She became like a big sister to me. She became like another daughter to my parents. She became like an aunt to my other two children. She became family.

She truly is the big sister I never had.

"Anne Sullivan" had her "29th" birthday not too long ago and my mom and I wanted to take her away. Well, thanks to my husband, my dad and my mother-in-law this weekend we are celebrating! It has been planned for a while and the weekend is finally here.

I have to also thank my daughter for sharing her with me today as today was a day off from school work for my daughter. And once again, if it wasn't for my daughter with special needs, "Anne Sullivan" would never have entered our lives.

I honestly can not put into words how amazing she is. She cares and loves my daughter just like we do. She believes in her just like we do. She is incredible with her. She is the reason my daughter can do as much as she can. She is my daughter's angel.

But just as she is important to my daughter, she is important to me too. She is the big sister I never had. She is truly one of the only people I can talk to about things as she truly gets it, as she lives it with me. It being Rett Syndrome. She is the hand I need to hold when I'm scared, she is the shoulder to cry on when I need comfort and she always has a joke when I need laughter.

I can't thank her enough for all she does for my little girl, for me and for my family. She truly is an angel.


Here is a quote for today....

Every good and perfect gift comes from above- James 1:17

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