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Friday, October 12, 2012

Cuddle Time

Today's gift is cuddle time.

It is no secret (and I think I have mentioned in past posts) I love my sleep.  When a woman is pregnant and is nearing the last trimester sleeping becomes an issue for many....well at least it did for me.  I couldn't find a position which felt good with having a foot under my rib or my heartburn was keeping me awake or was it my stomach was just too big.  Whatever the reason, it was a wake up call to my body to get used to these sleepless nights as this will become my life as soon as my bundle of joy was born.

Little did I know then, my little bundle of joy, now at 11 years old would still be waking up at an early hour.  I have to note here....where she is now with her sleep and where she used to be are worlds apart.  Here is a clip from my other blog about her old sleeping habits...."It would take her HOURS to go to bed and many nights we would have to drive her around for over an hour to get her to fall asleep in the car.  And then PRAY that when you transitioned her from the car to bed, she did not wake up!" Thankfully we no longer deal with nights like these.  Today she loves being read to before bed, falling asleep listening to a story....but she still loves to get up early...just like her dad and her siblings.  No alarm clock is needed in this house...we have at least three of them...each coming in within 10 minutes of each other.  The first one is  to come in is our alarm going off and then next two are our snooze buttons!

When my kids come in early in the morning I am ok with long as they are quiet....and stay still.  This morning when my daughter came she was starting to get a little wild, but then calmed down.  I was not at the operating stage I got close to her and she did what I love the most.  When we put her to bed, she will through her leg on top of yours, as if to are not going anywhere....try to escape after I fall asleep....and yes sometimes it is tricky.  So as soon as I cuddled up next to her, she through her leg on mine...which is a sign she wants to cuddle too.  And then she tilted her head to mine.

It was ten minutes of pure handwringing...just cuddles.  No words needed to be exchanged.

Here are some quotes for today....

No one will ever know the strength of my love for you.  After all, you are the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside- Author Unknown

I know a girl, she puts the COLOR inside of my world -John Mayer

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