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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Having a

Today's gift is having a favorite book.

Every night we read to my daughter and let her pick what book she wants us to read to her.  We give her a choice of 3-4 books and she picks the one she wants.  Nine out of 10 times she will pick the same book.

I love how she can tell us what her favorite book is.  I love how she wants us to read it over and over again to her.  I especially love how I truly enjoy this book and don't get tired of reading it over and over again.

Her favorite book is Ferdinand.

I can't help but think my daughter likes to compare herself to Ferdinand.  She is at peace and content with herself as he is.  While she wishes she did not have Rett Syndrome, she is happy with who she is as a person....with Rett Syndrome.  She doesn't live her life comparing herself to anyone or impressing anyone, but lives it for herself.

I love reading Ferdinand to her.  I love sharing this time with her at night.

Tonight as we climbed into bed to read, I gave her a choice of three books....and once again Ferdinand was the selection for the evening.  It is also interesting to me to see how on the nights I read her this story, she often drifts off to dreamland much faster.

I think it is safe to assume she not only loves hearing this story, but this story comforts her.

Ferdinand has been a classic for years and it still is.  In a world which can be mean and ugly or petty and foolish, Ferdinand is true to himself and goes on living his life the way he wants to.  Just like the world my daughter lives in....when times can be mean and ugly or petty and foolish...she remains true to herself....and this makes her happy.

Here are some quotes for this today...

You're never too old, too wacky, too wild, to pick up a book and read to a child- Dr. Seuss

If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales- Einstein

There is more treasure in books than in all the pirates' loot on the Treasure Island- Walt Disney

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