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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Introducing me to friends

Today's gift is introducing me to friends.

Friends I probably would never have met if it wasn't for our common connection of being a mother to a child with special needs.

Or if our paths did ever cross and one of us didn't have a child with special needs, the level of our friendship would be different.

Due to my daughter having special needs, I have met some pretty amazing women in my life.  Women who are also trying to balance it all, while taking care of their child (or children) with special needs.  Women who "get me" and I don't have to explain myself.  Families who "get us".  Siblings who just "get it" and no words needs to be exchanged.

Tonight, my middle daughter and I went to our special group together.  Five moms and five siblings (ages 8-10) get together once a month.  The siblings sit at one table and the moms at another....close enough we can still keep half an eye on them!  Last year, our children participated in a 6 week class where they opened up to one another about having a sibling with special this case....they all had sisters!  Not only were they all girls who had special needs...but five different kinds of special needs....Mitochondrial Disease, Goldenhar Syndrome, Angelman's Syndrome, Down Syndrome and of course Rett Syndrome.

We both love our time with this group.  My middle daughter can be herself and ask questions to friends who will understand her.  I can be my self and talk about issues, only these women would understand.  It is a time where....once....I don't have to explain myself or where I am coming from....for they too know how I feel.

I don't know what I would do without women like these special ladies in my life.  I am so lucky to have a support group here where I live, but also have women all over the world who I could call upon if needed....with no questions asked.  These friendships I have made over the years are truly priceless.

You explain your journey with your daughter to them, they share their journey with you....and you instantly connect....and go from there.  It really is....this simple.   It is amazing how you feel like you have been friends for years....and many times it is only months.

They make me feel relaxed, they make me laugh, they make me cry....though the laughing is my favorite!

My daughter with Rett Syndrome has introduced me to many of the amazing friends who are in my life....I guess she knew I would need them by my side.

Here are some quotes for today...

I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I've ended up where I needed to be- Douglas Adams

Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground- Wilferd Peterson

Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest....It's about who came, and never left your side....-Author Unknown

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