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Friday, November 23, 2012

A Great Day Together

Today's gift is a great day together.

After being so thankful yesterday, I'm equally as thankful today.  My daughter had a great day.

We celebrated Thanksgiving with my parents and we spent the night at their house...which we do not do too often as it is easier to just come back home.  However, this year my husband thought it would be fun to actually make a "mini trip" out of our visit.

I have to say it was a ton of fun.  It made us realize we need to do more of these "mini trips" more often.  All the kids had a great time and were really good...especially my daughter with special needs.

She truly loves her family and loves just being around them.  Seeing her so happy makes me happy. She was in the best mood today!

When she woke up after sleeping in she was all smiles.  After a yummy breakfast we played some games while we waited for everyone to get dressed so we could hit the downtown area. Trust hitting this downtown area is nothing like hitting the mall on Black Friday!  It was "busy", but not crowded.  It was the perfect size crowd to help us get into the spirit of Christmas together as a family and with my parents.

My daughter loved people (and dog) watching.  She walked some and strolled some as there were some hills....I liked the burn I felt in my legs pushing her up the last hill as I needed it after all the eating we did yesterday!

After Thanksgiving lunch and dinner, I could have done without lunch today...however the kids had different plans.  Since they do not gorge themselves like we do, they still need to eat.  We took them to lunch at a local hot spot.  My daughter was amazing in the restaurant!  This should be a gift by itself, but since the whole day was special I decided the whole day together was my gift.

Maybe it was the fact she loves Italian food...and I let her indulge with a piece of pizza...but she fed herself her entire lunch...bite by bite!  I would fork the bite for her, lay the fork in front of her, she would pick up the fork, take the bite and then put the fork back down for another bite.  She was equally as proud of herself as I was!

After lunch we walked off yet another meal, before heading back to my parents to get our things so we could head home.  Still all smiles.

All the way home through tonight she was great!  We even had another family movie night watching Frosty the Snowman before bed.   It was my night to put her to sleep and it was my pleasure to do so! She was in such an amazing mood all day (and yesterday too) I wanted to tell her how proud I was of her....and I wanted to cuddle with her as she (we) drifted off to dreamland.

When my daughter has great days like today, they truly last longer to us than just the day it happened. The days she has an "off" day they drain her and us so much, we need days like today to refuel our energy and to help us get through those bad days.

Today was a perfect day to wrap up one holiday and to start celebrating the next holiday upon us...Christmas.  The season to believe...and oh how much I do believe in miracles!

Here are some pictures I took of her yesterday and today!

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