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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Happy New Year's Day

Today's gift is a happy New Year's Day.

Another year has gone and another new year has begun!

Overall 2012 was a pretty good year for my daughter.  When I look back on this year with her I honestly can sit back and smile.  It is extremely nice to look back on a whole year and see nothing but positive memories.  I am sure we had some rough patches in there somewhere, but clearly they were not memorable enough for us to remember them.

All the moments I think about in 2012 are the happy ones.  The "firsts" my daughter was able to experience.  She regained her walking with the help of her new AMAZING therapy center.  She was invited to multiple birthday parties.  She was able to enjoy Spring Carnival at school with her friends with mom and dad taking a step back.  She enjoyed rides in her new Wike which was a Christmas present in 2012.  She helped spread Rett Syndrome awareness at multiple events all over town.  She had her FIRST slumber party for her birthday (this is probably my favorite!).  She made HONOR ROLL for the first time in the Fall of 2012.  Of course with making honor roll there was lots of hard work and studying involved!  She finished the first semester of this school year at school off by having ZERO behaviors at school.  And these are just the highlights!

I can not wait to see what 2013 brings to my daughter.  I just have this feeling it is going to be a great year for her.  Call it a mother's intuition or whatever you like, but I think it is going to be a great year on so many levels!

It is a New Year for new beginnings, new adventures, new skills, new lessons....anything new.  I am always willing to try new things for and with my daughter and I can't wait to see what fun we are going to have in 2013.  Let the memories begin!

Happy New Year!

Here is a quote for today....

Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book.  Write a good one!- Brad Paisley

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