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Monday, March 25, 2013

Helping Around the House

Today's gift is helping around the house.

Even though we had a snow day still had to go on.  Chores in the house still had to be done.

There really was no reason why the kids couldn't go to school today, but they called it last it was too late.  Funny how all the snow days happen the last week before a break too!

I had tons of laundry to do today, as well as change the sheets on the bed and vacuum.   Since I had three extra set of hands around the house I put them to work too!

My daughter with Rett Syndrome loves to help where she can...and I know where she loves to help me around the house.   One of her favorites is actually with the laundry.  Whether it is putting the clothes in the washer/dryer or handing me the clothes to fold and sort.  Today, right after I took them out of the dryer they were nice and warm and I laid them on top of her.  She thought this was hilarious and she didn't move as the clothes were so toasty warm!

When it was time to vacuum she would help pick up things off the floor so they would not get picked up by Mr. Vacuum and then she would supervise.  She is a good supervisor too!

I could have let "my day" turn into a "snow day" too and not do anything that needed to be done...but we all know if I did that the rest of my week would have been "off" and extra busy.  So instead, I decided to make it a fun day of chores around the house...having the kids help too!  They love to help!

I'm so worried about things being done "my way" now and then, that I don't have them help me as much as they could.  But after today, I realized sometimes (ok many times) things don't have to be perfect and it is a better lesson to have the kids help then to have things look their best.

And it was excellent for my younger two children to see their oldest sister participating with us....if she can help mom....we can too!  We took this "snow day" and turned it into a "spring cleaning day"....after all it is Spring....isn't it!?!?!?!

Here is a quote for today...

The most memorable days usually end with the dirtiest clothes- Author Unknown

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365 Days Gift

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