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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Look Mom...No Cavities!

Today's gift is look mom, no cavities.

I think you can guess by my title, my daughter went to the dentist today.  She was a such a good patient...and I have to say this was one of her best appointments.

I always take my dad or mom with me when I take my daughter to the dentist.  I never know if I am going to need the reinforcements of an extra set of hands or not.  When my daughter goes to the dentist it is a different experience from when my other two children go and probably the way your child goes to the dentist too.

For starters, my daughter's anxiety level increases as soon as we walk into the dentist's office.  You can see it in the intensity of how she wrings her hands.  And it only increases once we get back into our private room.  This is usually a room they would perform filling a cavity or doing an extraction as it is out of the way, in case the person in the room becomes unhappy.

She isn't the only one sitting in the examine chair....I am too!  I sit down first and then I put her between my legs.  I need to hold her still while the dentist does her dental examine and this is the best way I can make sure her third arm isn't going to come out giving the dentist a surprise.

Once we are all seated she starts looking all over the room wondering what is going to be going on.  I know she knows she is at the dentist, as she never forgets a face.  But I also know she still gets anxious. Luckily there is so much to look at in the different exam rooms, I try to take her mind off what is to come.  Today, I also explained to her that he was going to be counting her teeth and checking for cavities.  I even went as far as to put my hands into her mouth, hoping she was not going to clinch down on me!

And then the dentist walked in.

She starts looking from side to side really fast...looking at the dentist...and then the assistant....the dentist....and then the assistant.  When it was time for her "exam", I place one hand on the top of her forehand, keeping her head steady against mine and my other hand on top of her two hands so she doesn't try and give the dentist a nice bop.  Within minutes my hand which is holding her hand is sliding off her hands due to the fact her hands are so sweaty....from being nervous.  But other than that...she was the most still she has been I think ever!

I was so proud of her today!  I don't know what it was.  I didn't even have to break out my singing...lucky for them, right!?!  She kept her head still the entire time too, which usually becomes a little wiggly!

And the best part....she has no cavities and we are to keep up the good work!

I hate how she gets so anxious when she has to go to the dentist every six months.  I wish she could enjoy the experience like her siblings of getting the "cool" sunglasses to wear so the bright light doesn't shine right into her eyes, of a "typical" cleaning, of going to the prize bin and picking out a prize for being a super patient (the prizes are nothing she would be interested me...and I think her "prize" is getting out of the office!) and being able to relax herself and know everything is going to be okay.

Just like everything else we do for her, I truly believe the repetition of going every six months and seeing the same dentist, has truly helped us get her to the place where she is starting to be more and more comfortable when she gets her teeth cleaned.

Having fun and trying to "relax" while we wait for the dentist to come in!

Here is a quote for today I found and thought it was funny....
Keep calm and don't bite the dentist

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